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Filtering by Category: Uncategorized

Tessa's Take: How Net-A-Porter Offers Incredible Value to Its Customers

Tessa Stuart

Last week I was invited to Net-A-Porter's offices for a fashion show. (Thank you very much, Alix Partners.) How does Net-A-Porter offer incredible value to its customers? With most items costing three figures, it's not exactly Primark.  

I couldn't fathom it out, until a young professional woman from Alix Partners told me how:

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Tessa's Take: Using Choice Architecture: A Big Business Advantage for You?

Tessa Stuart

Like all of us, Homer is a 'cognitive miser'. We don't like thinking - deliberative thinking is hard and difficult.  

Humans make less than perfectly thought out decisions all the time, intuitively, emotionally, effortlessly and quickly. We're good at it - it's why we have survived.

If you give people a choice of three things on a menu, they will choose in the middle. Online clothing retailers exploit this brilliantly.

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Why Small Brands Can Always Win Against Big Ones, by Jamie Mitchell, of Daylesford Organic

Tessa Stuart

Jamie Mitchell, formerly Innocent's UK Managing Director, and now CEO of Daylesford Organic, shares with us his  thoughts on why small brands can always win against big ones. Many thanks to you, Jamie.  

In his words:

"Having worked with, met with and generally hung out with lots of small, independent brands, one thing comes through over and over again when I think about which ones are most likely to succeed in their chosen (viciously competitive) market: “I think, therefore I am”. OK, so maybe linking Descartes' existential theories to strategies for small brands may be a bit of a stretch, but let me try and convince you.

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Tessa's Take: How To Sell More Without Spending on Marketing

Tessa Stuart

All my clients are feeling squeezed at the moment. Sales are harder to make. Costs are rising and margins declining. Marketing spend is under pressure. Staff are the biggest cost of all, so clients are making staff redundant.  

How can you market without increasing marketing spend?

How do you use fewer staff to deliver an even better service?

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Innocent Spill Their NPD Secrets.....

Tessa Stuart

It's a new year, so why not do things differently, cheaper but better?  

I've worked with Lucy Thomas, NPD Manager at innocent drinks, on several new product development projects. She's agreed to do a bit of sharing on the topic here so you can benefit from innocent's cost-effective ways of developing new products.

Here are her thoughts:

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