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Tessa's Take: Have You Got Designs on Customers?

Tessa Stuart


I  repeatedly research pack design and pack communications for Firefly Tonics, innocent drinks, and Rude Health.  

For Rude Health, we needed to compel attention for their  - newly listed in 350 Tesco stores - granola. And explain what granola is - it's a new category - and unfamiliar.  And compete with all those habitual brightly coloured cereal purchases in the cereal aisle. Off the back of the consumer research we did, Rude Health employed a bright colour,  made the word Granola very big,  made the product shot appealing (it couldn't be a window for technical reasons but it looks like one), listed out the ingredients clearly. All so the shopper, browsing, with a very few seconds of attention, may take a chance on putting it into her trolley. Because that's what Rude Health needs to happen.  Over and over. We'll tell you how sales are going in five weeks' time. And, if you want to assist by buying some, we'd be very pleased.

And if you are a designer with mock-ups to hand, consider emailing me at for fast, cost-effective in-aisle with real consumers real research that helps your designs on customers work even better. So your clients love you even more...