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Filtering by Tag: Jamie Mitchell

5 Reasons Why Challenger Brands Should Be Investing In Ocado, by Jamie Mitchell, CEO of Daylesford Organic

Tessa Stuart

Daylesford Organic's rather beautiful farm shop on Ocado. Here is Jamie Mitchell, CEO of Daylesford Organic, to tell you what being on Ocado has meant for Daylesford's sales:  

"For the past 7 years, I have had a bit of a crush on Ocado. Why? Well, let’s start with the service. As an internet only grocer, they have proved themselves time and again with their world class innovation in web-ordering and delivery. Their shop is the most intuitive of all online offers, and who hasn’t felt the warm glow of customer loyalty when that text arrives to confirm the imminent arrival of a food order, informing you the name of the driver, the name of the van and, in rare circumstances, any items they haven’t been able to fulfill?

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