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Filtering by Tag: damson gin

Tessa's Take: Sipsmith's Story Telling Seduction

Tessa Stuart

Last night I learnt how to distill gin. From Sam Galsworthy, the engaging co-founder of Sipsmith Gin in Hammersmith.  Thank you, Sam.I was introduced to Prudence, their beautiful copper pot still. She is a curvaceous and lovely toy, with lots of levers and piers and portholes, through which we could peer to see the botanicals steeping - liquorice, orris root, juniper, cassia bark, Spanish lemon and orange peel...  

I was also re-introduced  to Sipsmith's excellent gin, sloe gin and barley vodka. I've been drinking the gin for a while now, and the sloe gin makes a superb gift for elderly fathers.

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