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Tessa'sTake: Ta Ra Ra Boom Dee Ay*

Tessa Stuart


I found this excellent regional snack recently in Puglia, Southern Italy. Basically little cooked dough twists, made by Pugliese Temptations.  

I love it for its name. Ta-ra! Who could fail to be cheered by that?

Also for its brazen (but surprisingly accurate) product claim:

.... And the hunger goes away!

It contains OO flour, extra virgin olive oil, ordinary olive oil (Puliga produces a lot of this), white wine, salt and raising agent. And sulphites.

Health information on the back  tells me that it is "100% Cholestrol (sp) and OGM free."

So, a perfect Friday snack then.

P.S: If you have time to kill this Friday and want to know more about this song, which you probably last sang at school as playground doggerel,

P.P.S: Most of the lyrics on the Internet for this are surprisingly filthy.