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Filtering by Tag: don't give up

5 Things To Know When Starting Out from Ben Jones, Co-Founder of

Tessa Stuart

I've enjoyed my Graze boxes so I thought I'd ask Graze for their insights into starting out. Here Ben Jones, Co-Founder of Graze, gives you his freshly prepared wisdom. Thank you very much, Ben.  

5 Bits of Wisdom – Ben Jones, Co-Founder of Graze

1. "Spiritual – good things happen to good people, in any start-up you always need a little bit of luck so be nice to everyone and boost your karma.

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Five Things I Wish I Had Known: Rude Health

Tessa Stuart

Camilla Barnard of Rude Health's Five Things

It’s Addictive

It's addictive. Do you know anybody who has run his/her own business and then gone on to work for somebody else? We don’t. For all the responsibility, daft hours and frustrations, once you are a business runner, always a business runner. Either that or we're all unemployable.

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