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Pip & Nut founder Pippa Murray's tips: How To Build A National Brand On A Shoestring

Tessa Stuart

  1. Be a purpose-led brand. They out-perform the competition 14 times over.

  2. Spend time making sure your product tastes fantastic.

  3. Invest time and money in getting your branding right first time.

  4. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful forms of marketing. Get your brand in the hand - sample. Try office drops near the stores in which you are stocked.

  5. Partnerships provide great platforms for your brand. Pip & Nut’s Toast bars got them gigs at Nike events.

  6. Surround yourself with good people who are experts in areas that you are not. Find a mentor.

  7. Focus on winning key accounts before rolling out to more. Pip & Nut started in Selfridges & Planet Organic, building rate of sale case-studies for more convincing buyer presentations in the next set of stockists.

  8. Raising investment is one form of funding but sweat other areas of your finances and agree longer payment terms with your manufacturer. Raise only what you need to get to the next stage; raising money is very time-consuming.

  9. Never forget your core range. Don’t launch into a million different categories.

  10. Have fun!

PIp & Nut cruncy peanut butter